Rabu, 23 April 2014

tugas bhs.inggris softskill - artikel perbandingan ekonomi indonesia dengan negara eropa dalam bidang koperasi


Credit unions are cooperatives that specifically accepts savings and provides loans to its members .Such cooperatives can be distinguished from
Other cooperatives , credit unions , for example , particularly agricultural credit cooperatives
provide loans using funds from financial institutions
Another , do not use the funds from members . Agricultural cooperatives in the United States in
general form of cooperative kredit .

The purpose of the credit cooperatives ( credit unions) is to develop an attitude of life-saving
among poor people and save them from the moneylenders . Even now, even for
credit union serving customers who have never touched by other financial institutions .
Two cooperative movement started by Delitsch and Raffeisen , despite different ideologies , but
have the same function .
The idea of ​​credit unions spread to Canada , then to America in the early 20th century and developed by the Indian
British government officials as well as to other areas . British motivation for
develop credit cooperatives in India as in America , influenced by
Dutch rule in Indonesia, which pioneered the Credit Institutions District and Village Unit
Bank Rakyat Indonesia . Since 1895 the Dutch government in Indonesia to
experiment with the form of savings and loan institutions . At first there is a desire
to form a cooperative , but the idea was rejected .
But a source says " The main farm credit cooperative " in India has over 139 million members by the number of
cooperative of more than 139 thousand . While the amount of the share capital and savings of nearly 1.3
trillion rupees ( about 26 billion dollars ) , and agricultural credit as much as 206 billion rupees ( approximately
4-5 billion dollars ) , or about 46 % of total loans pertanian8 . Meanwhile , the bank
commercial ( non - cooperative ) in India there are 7 trillion and 3.7 trillion rupees rupee savings kredit9
In India there are also non - agricultural credit cooperatives ( urban banks ) with the amount of savings
reach 0.6 trillion or 50 % of the total savings of agricultural cooperatives .
The influence of external organizers cause quite interesting contradiction . organizer outside
always want to control the formation of institutions . But the cooperative as an institution
democratic can not be controlled entirely by the organizers . There are two reasons
why organizers formed a cooperative , the lust of the organizers that the institution
formation can be self-sufficient and not dependent on the organizers or agencies
organizers . Second, there is great legitimacy in the democratic system by forming
cooperative institutions . This is actually the motive that drives the movement of distaste
anti - financial institutions together . Because of its democratic gives cooperatives
disseminating state legitimacy and still have a strong influence in the system
capitalist . But still there is a contradiction between the cooperative ownership ( which is established and
collectively taken care of ) the economic systems of individuals who have damaged the institution
with other financial .
While credit unions remain unaffected by the attacks of the anti - institution
together due to financial constraints in regulatory and internal strength of
The credit unions .
Supervision of Cooperative Savings and Loan As A Financial Institution .
Financial institutions typically be subject to oversight by the government , either directly
or indirectly through trade organizations . This is because they
responsible for public funds as well as the demand from the public to fund
they are protected . Means to conduct surveillance of slow growth and yet
complete in many countries . While the form of deposits with changed masyarakatpun
quickly making it difficult to distinguish which is the payment for trade
" Real " . However most countries have banned public fund raising
by institutions / individuals who are not authorized , except that comply with the rules and regulations ..
Countries that credit unions have made ​​provisions
set about it , but there are fundamental differences in the extent to which the
credit unions are allowed to perform activities of non - members of the cooperative and
financial transactions they can do .
Traditionally , the focus of attention is the savings credit cooperatives , while loans granted
only if fully secured by savings deposited in the cooperative . Besides Indonesia ,
several other countries also have credit unions that also serves as a tool for
distribute government loans . Cooperatives in India and other developing countries ,
particularly in Asia , also has the same pattern with cooperatives in Indonesia . In the U.S. , the cooperative
credit sizeable expansion in lending , though still limited
for customers who have a relationship with a " group " itself . Meanwhile , the bank
commercial conduct of the protest " unfair competition " and tried to keep the
credit unions are taxed higher . Such taxes have been established in Canada , but
has only little effect on competition
In countries where the cooperative use of government funds in large numbers ,
cooperatives through the same thing as that experienced by financial institutions lainnyz . height
level of arrears is often threaten the financial stability of the cooperative itself. It is also
occur on agricultural credit cooperatives in the U.S. and credit cooperative systems in a number of countries in
Asia . Some countries , such as Bangladesh and the U.S. , tried to renew
cooperative organization in the hope of avoiding the difficulties of cooperative
as experienced in the past .
It is difficult to say whether there is a benefit or not in the presence of financial institutions
cooperatives . Cases that occurred in Indonesia and India , no different cooperative banks
involved with the provision of rural credit , which is heavily dominated by bureaucracy and
government , so that formal ownership is unclear . As for
cooperatives are democratically controlled by its members , sometimes by
a group of local elites , can be well-developed and sustainable . the above
not occur in the form of savings and loan institutions in the U.S. and other English which often
privatizing the agency to obtain a higher capital increase
for its shareholders .
Cooperative circumstances in Indonesia
The state of credit unions in Indonesia is quite difficult . Although many cooperatives in position
strong and profitable , but many more who are in a weakened condition and very
depending on government funding . To reach a better state may be required
closer scrutiny and form the depositor insurance .
However, the opposite trend occurred , with the regional autonomy , many cooperatives
savings and loans are no longer report their activities and there is no mechanism that can
forcing them to do so . We know that there are currently plans
that credit unions provide reports on a regular basis , at least for those
who has or would like to receive funding from the government .
There are two major groups of credit unions , namely the credit union and Baitul Mal wa tamwil
( BMT ) who perform activities outside the existing regulatory framework , although they are now
're making amendments
There is a Great Opportunity for Cooperative Savings and Loan .
This above is due to the bias against small local banks , increased requirements
capital for BPR ( Rural Bank ) thus opening the opportunity for
credit unions as institutions depositors with a good image and be careful .
Bank Rakyat Indonesia continues to expand in this market with village units and banks
Others did the same thing . However, banks are only able to serve
only a small fraction markets . BPR and LDKPs (Institute of Regional Rural Finance ) actually
have a good chance , but they have limitations because of the high structure
costs . Credit unions can keep costs low for small loans
so that they can compete effectively in the market . If they can continue
expand its business well should they are able to attract the funds
penyimbang to give the money interest rate menarik.Situasi cooperative is not clear , because
lack of reporting and monitoring . We do not know how the actual circumstances
the savings and credit cooperatives in Indonesia . An attempt we have made to the
certain provinces indicate that there is a possibility of any proportion cooperatives reported
several hundred percent smaller than the actual condition . A recent study
conducted by GTZ ( German technical aid ) showed some indikator12 . Chapter 6 of
The study , entitled " Cooperative Sector and Microfinance " . The last word , namely financial
micro , associated in particular with the cooperative banks Swamitra associated with Bukopin
and TPSP ( Place of Care Savings and Loans ) , a form similar to the cooperative
Bank Rakyat Indonesia . The article summarizes the state of the legal aspects and legislation .
The essence of the invention in the article are as follows :
" Cooperative sector in Indonesia is a sub - system of the worst microfinance
administration , lack pegawasan and lack of confidence in the report
given a fundamental weakness . The available data is not data
up - to-date and can not be used as a handle to perform the analysis . " material is more
Details are given for West Nusa Tenggara . The proportion of activities funded from deposits
only a small fraction, compared with other regions . But in keselurahan normalnormal
only .

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